Specialization in Human Resource Direct MBA Admission
If you are looking for direct entrance through management quota, we will help you to get entrance in Specialization in Human Resource Direct MBA Admission. Contact us at Ace1Guru+91-9742479101(Ankit Mishra) / +919742886036 (Anis)/+91-9035556036 (Mayur Gautam) /+ and we will get in touch with you within 48 hours.
What is an M.B.A?
** Specialization in Human Resource Direct MBA Admission **
M.B.A degree equips you with the tools required for facing the challenges. M.B.A introduces you with the different aspects of a business it provides us a holistic knowledge about the various departments which a business has to deal with. It also prepares us to deal with pressure and stringent deadlines, which we will all have to face in our work in real life. Before you make the commitment to earn an M.B.A, you must first understand exactly what an M.B.A is, as well as whether it’s the right degree program for you. An M.B.A, or a Master of Business Administration, provides a graduate education in foundational business practices, such as accounting, finance, marketing and management.
It is often a beneficial degree choice for working professionals who need to obtain additional education to reach their career goals and climb the corporate ladder. Taking an interdisciplinary approach to learning, M.B.A programs are not only meant to deepen students’ understanding of business management, but also to further develop their critical thinking, analytical and problem-solving skills.
Human Resource Management
** Specialization in Human Resource Direct MBA Admission **
The “Human Resource Management” is a function that involves in the process of hiring of the workforce, providing development & training, maintaining workforce regulation, assessment of their performance, providing compensation & benefits, motivating, relation with labour, health, welfare and safety assessment”.
Human resource management is a process of hiring and developing the employees according to the organization. M.B.A in HR (Human Resource) is one of the most opting specializations of management study. It is a challenging and stimulating programme of management.
It is the age of industrialization in all around the world. Many industries are being established in many countries. HRM is the backbone of any industry in order to the skilled and knowledgeable workforce.
HRM Curriculum
** Specialization in Human Resource Direct MBA Admission **
M.B.A in Human Resource (HR) is a 2 year degree programme. You can choose the one of your favorites and interested specialization out of the finance, marketing, HR, OM etc.
In the curriculum of the course, the students are taught about the strategic management, human resource development and legal aspect management. The students are taught about the cultural, social and economic factors that influence employees’ relation.
Specialized fields of M.B.A in HR
** Specialization in Human Resource Direct MBA Admission **
- Retention ** Specialization in Human Resource Direct MBA Admission **
- Motivation ** Specialization in Human Resource Direct MBA Admission **
- Industrial Relations ** Specialization in Human Resource Direct MBA Admission **
- Training and Development ** Specialization in Human Resource Direct MBA Admission **
- Recruitment and Selection ** Specialization in Human Resource Direct MBA Admission **
- Compensation and Benefits ** Specialization in Human Resource Direct MBA Admission **
- Labour Welfare ** Specialization in Human Resource Direct MBA Admission **
- Social Security ** Specialization in Human Resource Direct MBA Admission **
- Labour Relations ** Specialization in Human Resource Direct MBA Admission **
HRM Jobs & Career
** Specialization in Human Resource Direct MBA Admission **
There are various job opportunities in the field of human resource management. all industries need to hire an HR administrator(s) to settle and handle the activities regarding the hiring of employee, their benefits, compensation, salary settlement, training & development and maintain the work performance of the employee, and ensure that all activities is done as per the company policy.
Jobs titles of HRM
** Specialization in Human Resource Direct MBA Admission **
- HR Generalist
- Staffing Director
- Technical Recruiter
- Compensation Manager
- Employee Relations Manager
- Employment or Placement Manager
- Director of HR Training and Development
- Organizational development and change consultant
What are benefits of doing M.B.A?
** Specialization in Human Resource Direct MBA Admission **
- Get free access to a large business network
- Develop priceless managerial skills
- New career paths are open to you
- Better chances for a higher salary
- Start your own company from scratch
- Open the door to thriving career opportunities
- Experience a new place and culture during your studies
- Your professional skills improve.
- You become a respected member of your business community.
Entrance Procedure
** Specialization in Human Resource Direct MBA Admission **
To get the entrance in M.B.A with any specialization, it is necessary to appear and score in entrance examinations as MAT/CAT/XAT or ATMA.
You can do the M.B.A in HR after the completion of UG degree in Engineering, medical, science, art and humanities.
Eligibility Criteria for M.B.A Program
** Specialization in Human Resource Direct MBA Admission **
The minimum eligibility criterion for entrance is at least a 3-year bachelor’s degree with at least 50 per cent marks or equivalent (45 per cent for SC/ST or persons with disability (PWD) category, of any of the Universities (please check specifications) or possess an equivalent qualification.
Student will have to write an entrance exam such as like CMAT, CAT, SNAP, MAT, XAT, SNAP etc. Also analysis & personal interview May or May not be the Part of Direct entrance M.B.A. Top M.B.A Colleges M.B.A entrance can be done by self conducted Entrance Test or Exam Too.
Also Read:
- MBA Direct Management Quota Admission in Top Colleges India
- Top 100 Colleges India Direct Management Quota MBA Admission
- How to Get MBA Admission in SIBM Pune under Management Quota
- MBA Admission SNAP Cutoff for SIBM Pune in Management Quota
So now it is the only appropriate time to take correct decision so that you can have a great future ahead. Get in touch with our Career Guidance Experts for Specialization in Human Resource Direct MBA Admission, by booking an appointment at our offices in Bangalore, Pune and Delhi. Contact us at Ace1Guru+91-9742479101(Ankit Mishra) / +919742886036 (Anis)/+91-9035556036 (Mayur Gautam) /+91-8042173206 (Office Landline) or email us at contact@trump.net.in and we will get in touch with you within 48 hours.
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