MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota
Every M.B.A wants to see a return on their investment. Going to business school can boost your career prospects, and in many industries having an M.B.A will give you the edge over competition. After falling from 2008, applications for M.B.A Admission rose in 2012, according to the Graduate Management Admission Council.
With more b-school students entering M.B.A programs, selecting the right career path becomes important for current M.B.As and alumni. With more M.B.As entering the workforce, pursuing the right field can ensure your career progression.
While an undergraduate BA might get you started, many companies want someone with an M.B.A, especially in certain industries.
These are five jobs where an M.B.A can make you more attractive to employers and help give you an edge in the M.B.A Jobs market. This article deals with MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota.
Contact us for MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota at Ace1Guru+91-9742479101(Ankit Mishra) / +919742886036 (Anis)/+91-9035556036 (Mayur Gautam) / and we will get in touch with you within 48 hours.
Just Pursuing Management Studies is not what the Corporate is looking for!

Supervisory Skills and Older Graduates
Many companies still complain that M.B.A graduates’ excellent theoretical knowledge is not matched by sufficient interpersonal and, especially, supervisory skills, which are essential in a good manager. Graduates who are hired therefore have to be given the opportunity to learn these skills. Some companies still consider that students are taking their M.B.As too young. The argument is that companies need young people in their 20s who are to extent specialists, such as engineers and economists. It is not until they reach their 30s that they are likely to need the kind of broadening into general management that the M.B.A experience can provide. It is also one of the main reasons so many companies favour the part-time, consortium, executive and distance-learning programmes, which can fit better into a manager’s career at the appropriate time. It is the hot-house academic atmosphere of a full-time programme, designed to induce a radical change in outlook, that is responsible, many consider, for creating exaggerated expectations and later difficulties in adjustment.
A cultural fit for Management Consultants
Despite the dotcom craze, management consultancy and financial services are still significant M.B.A job markets. There is a reason. They attract M.B.A graduates not so much because of high salaries but because graduates can fit into the culture more easily. Such employers know what M.B.A graduates can do and how to use them effectively, and are prepared to pay the price. The graduates do not have to battle against antagonism or misunderstanding and there are likely to be others with similar backgrounds on the staff. Their academic training is suited to investigations in, for example, consultancy and mergers and acquisitions work.
The love affair between M.B.A graduates and management consultants, in the US at least, dates back to the 1970s when business schools were first told by corporate recruiters that they did not want applicants straight from undergraduate colleges. However, few companies were willing to invest in recruiting graduates from universities with a first degree, employing them for two years and then encouraging them to leave to go to business school with no guarantee of their return. The only people who did this were management consultants. First-degree graduates were recruited on the university “milk round” as research associates, encouraged to go to business school and then recruited as M.B.A graduates. Consequently, business schools found their applicant pools and recruitment base dominated by consulting. They also found that students with a consultancy background were more demanding, insisting, for example, on analytical “tool kits”. The curriculum was therefore geared more towards consultancy with a strong emphasis on strategy.
Few students joining consulting firms spend the rest of their lives there. Many are attracted by the high salaries, the lifestyle and the high-profile nature of the job, which allows them access to corporate life at the highest levels. Typically, many leave consulting for mainstream business after three or four years, but management consultants themselves know and almost expect this, and it is one reason for their being keen recruiters.
The Traditional Approach
The way more traditional employers assimilate new M.B.A graduates is to place them in central staff positions with roles such as strategic planning, where they are close to the levers of power and where their breadth of view can be put to good use. Special induction and training programmes are sometimes used, with a senior executive acting as a personal mentor. After a year or two they may be tested in line-management positions. Problems arise if the firm treats them like first-degree graduates. M.B.A graduates have more to offer and expectations based on this have to be met.
Given Below are the list Top M.B.A Colleges in Bangalore
College Name | Intake Exams |
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
** MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota ** | CAT /GMAT |
Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Science
** MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota ** | CAT /GMAT |
Institute of Finance and International Management
** MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota ** | CAT/GMAT/XAT |
Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship
** MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota ** | CAT /XAT /MAT /ATMA /CMAT |
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management
** MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota ** | SNAP |
MS Ramaiah Institute of Management
** MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota ** | XAT /GMAT /CAT /MAT /CMAT /ATMA |
AIMS Institutes
** MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota ** | CAT /XAT /KMAT /MAT /CMAT /GMAT /ATMA |
PES University
** MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota ** | MAT /CAT /CMAT /GMAT |
Acharya Bangalore B-School
** MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota ** | CAT /XAT /MAT /ATMA /CMAT /UGAT-AIMA /AUMAT /NMAT by GMAC |
Christ University
** MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota ** | MAT /CAT /CMAT /ATMA /XAT |
Indus Business Academy
** MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota ** | CAT /MAT /XAT /ATMA /CMAT /GMAT /KMAT |
Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
** MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota ** | NMAT by GMAC |
NITTE School of Management
** MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota ** | CAT /MAT /XAT /CMAT /ATMA |
Bangalore Institute of Technology
** MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota ** | KMAT /CMAT /CAT /MAT |
Bengaluru School of Management Studies
** MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota ** | CAT /KMAT /XAT /GMAT /MAT /CMAT |
Dayananda Sagar College of Art Science and Commerce
** MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota ** | KMAT / MAT/CMAT /PGCET |
GIBS Business School
** MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota ** | MAT /CAT /XAT /CMAT /ATMA /GMAT |
IBS Business School
** MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota ** | CAT /GMAT /IBSAT /NMAT by GMAC |
International School of Management Excellence
** MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota ** | CAT /GMAT /XAT /CMAT |
Koshys Institute of Management Studies
** MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota ** | CAT /XAT /MAT /ATMA /CMAT |
New Horizon College of Engineering
** MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota ** | CAT /XAT /MAT /ATMA /CMAT |
Padmashree Institute of Management and Sciences
** MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota ** | CAT /MAT /XAT /CMAT /ATMA |
Sambhram Academy of Management Studies
** MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota ** | CAT /MAT /GMAT /XAT /ATMA /KMAT |
Vanguard Business School
** MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota ** | XAT /CAT /CMAT /SNAP /MAT |
Also Read:
- Direct Management Quota MBA Admission & Specialization Detail
- Eligibility Criteria for Direct MBA Admission in Top College
So now it is the only appropriate time to take correct decision so that you can have a great future ahead. Get in touch with our Career Guidance Experts for MBA Admission at Top Colleges in Management Quota, by booking an appointment at our offices in Bangalore, Pune and Delhi. Contact us at Ace1Guru+91-9742479101(Ankit Mishra) / +919742886036 (Anis)/+91-9035556036 (Mayur Gautam) /
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